2011 - Harper Teen
Read: July 11, 2011
Review: This book was so much fun to read. I loved watching April stumble her way around living on her own (secretly) and interacting with her friends. It was a little far-fetched that no one knew April and Vi were on their own, but I think that was on purpose and it just added to the silly-factor of everything that happened. Even though it was very fun, there was also a lot of heart at the core of the novel. April felt like her parents should have both fought more for her to go with one of them, and so because they didn't push her, she pushed away from them. It was sweet seeing how she started learning to care more by taking care of Donut the kitten. I think a wide range of ages and audiences will really enjoy this book.

Life As We Knew It - Susan Beth Pfeffer
2006 - Harcourt
Read: July 18, 2011
Review: I read this book mostly because one of the blurbs on the back described it as being like a car crash. I don't tend to associate that type of comment with something that's good, and I was amazed that a publisher would include it on the back of a book as a "good thing," so I picked it up. It wasn't too bad, though there was just so much BAD happening all the time. Earthquakes, volcanoes, blizzards, flu epidemics, malaria... everything. There seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel at the end of the book, but there are (at least) two more in the series, so I have no idea how much more terrible stuff can happen to Miranda (and the world). I kind of want to read the following books and find out though, because it is kind of amazing how many awful things can happen in one story.
To learn more or purchase these titles:
Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Currently Reading: Emma by Jane Austen