Hold Still by Nina LaCour
Age Group: Young Adult
Date Read: October 20, 2011
4.5 out of 5 Stars: Overall, really liked it
Reason for Reading: This was picked up on a giant book run last winter. I don't think I've ever bought so many books at once. I liked how it sounded, and I loved the design of the book.
On GoodReads: "Devastating, hopeful, hopeless, playful . . . in words and illustrations, Ingrid left behind a painful farewell in her journal for Caitlin. Now Caitlin is left alone, by loss and by choice, struggling to find renewed hope in the wake of her best friend's suicide. With the help of family and newfound friends, Caitlin will encounter first love, broaden her horizons, and start to realize that true friendship didn't die with Ingrid. And the journal which once seemed only to chronicle Ingrid's descent into depression, becomes the tool by which Caitlin once again reaches out to all those who loved Ingrid - and Caitlin herself."
My Thoughts: I really liked this book. It was very emotional, as you would expect from a book about a girl recovering from her best friend's suicide, and it felt very true to life. I don't know what it is about emotional realistic fiction, but it gets me every time. I am so drawn to stories about people who need to get past a major conflict or major loss. I like books where you can see the characters grow from start to finish.
Nina LaCour's writing was wonderful. She did a great job of getting me inside Caitlin's head and making me feel like I was experiencing the pain and loneliness that she felt. I really just enjoyed this book all around, even the journal entries of Ingrid's that were included.
Recommended To: If you liked Love You Hate You Miss You by Elizabeth Scott or Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers
Quote From The Book: "I sort through the letters and pull out what I need for the beginning. They snap easily into place. And even though I thought I would need every letter, I finish the first sentence and realize that it’s all I have left to say.
I MISS YOU."Books Read This Year: 87 of 100
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