2011 - Scholastic
Read: August 25, 2011
Review: This book was not easy to read. Not that the language was difficult, or that it was bad, but that the material was really hard at times. This is a story about a girl, Abby, who ends up a victim of an internet predator, goes to meet him, and the aftermath of these events. The writing was actually very simple, in a purposeful way, and this was a book that had a very clear lesson to take away. Many novels have some type of underlying message, but this message was a clear warning to young teens that may be in the same place that Abby was: lonely, vulnerable, and looking for a friend. I would definitely suggest this as reading to current teens.

Never Have I Ever (The Lying Game # 2) - Sara Shepard
2011 - HarperCollins
Read: August 30, 2011
Review: I still have so much fun reading Shepard's books. The plot and characters are very different from the Pretty Little Liars series, but many elements are the same: surprise, shock and awe, fake killers, etc. In the PLL series, there were some parts I was able to guess at, but so far The Lying Game books have me stumped, and I am very excited to keep reading. In great contrast to Want to Go Private?, this book (and series) does not have a strong lesson to learn, that I can see. And I really think that's fine, because it's a fun story and the writing is strong, even when silly.
Currently Reading: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
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