What Happened to Goodbye - Sarah Dessen
2o11 - Penguin
Read: May 13, 2011
Review: I really loved McLean as a character. I loved her confusion and identity problems. There wasn't an excess of drama in this story, but there was enough conflict to keep my interest, and I loved all of the fun parts with McLean's new friends. Dessen has been a favorite author of mine for a long time, and I love that she can write such wonderful characters and situations without having to rely on high emotions or melodrama. I think this book could definitely benefit teen readers as they may be trying to figure out who they really are themselves.

The Last Little Blue Envelope - Maureen Johnson
2o11 - Harper Teen
Read: May 21, 2011
Review: Maureen Johnson is just so fun to read. And follow on twitter. I went to an author event that she was doing recently for this book, and she is just as funny and random in person, which really made her written humor feel genuine. Ginny has always been a little iffy for me as a protagonist, and at times in this sequel to 13 Little Blue Envelopes I felt like she was just letting things happen to her without really sticking up for herself. I really liked Oliver and feel like Johnson wrote him so well, and he kept making me laugh, especially when he could recite the letters by heart. I love this type of story, a lot of fun adventure, exploring new places and people, all while on a mission. I look forward to many more books from Maureen Johnson.

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour - Morgan Matson
2010 - Simon & Schuster
Read: May 25, 2011
Review: I love, love, love road trip books. Now that I have been on a few road trips myself, these types of books bring back such good memories and get me wanting to go another road trip asap. Amy was such a great portrayal of a girl feeling guilty after her father dies. She refuses to talk about it, or anything of emotional substance really, for a very long time, but slowly opens up to Roger as they became friends and journey across the country. Even though it was cheesey, I really liked the addition of their playlists as they went through each state. A lot of the story was predictable, but I didn't mind, because I really was rooting for Amy and Roger and was so pleased with the ending of the book.
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