But I Love Him - Amanda Grace
2011 - Flux
Read: May 8, 2011
Review: I picked up this book for rather silly reasons. I liked the cover and flipped through the book, becoming intrigued by all of the highly emotional language I found just on the first few pages. I've always been a fan of books about intense situations, because I think they are important to have and to do well. Amanda Grace wrote Ann's story of her abusive relationship with Connor extremely well and convincingly. The chapters were written in reverse chronological order, interspersed with "now" chapters, which take place after a particularly brutal incident with Connor. I was sucked into Ann's story and couldn't put it down. The language felt very genuine and I think teen readers would really like the authenticity of this book.

Bitter End - Jennifer Brown
2011 - Little, Brown
Read: May 2011
Review: It was interesting to read But I Love Him, Stay, and Bitter End all in about the same time period, since they are all books dealing with abusive relationships or the aftermath of such relationships. I think I felt that this was the least genuine of the three, though I do really like Brown's writing style and language. I just felt like the other two stories dealt with the issue more seriously and honestly. However, there were some really good parts of this book. I loved the relationship Alex had with her friends and the points where Zack would try and try to stick up for her, even though she couldn't figure things out on her own. It just felt, to me, that Alex was a bit weak as a character at times.

Bumped - Megan McCafferty
2011 - Balzer + Bray
Read: May 11, 2011
Review: I really, really wanted to love this book. I am a big Megan McCafferty fan, and this concept sounded so great. But I was left wanting. I didn't like the characters, any of them. At times I would think a character would be getting on my good side, and then they would say or do or reveal something that would make me dislike them again instantly. And there was just so much religion throughout the story, I didn't think it would bother me, but after so much of it I just felt annoyed. McCafferty is such a good writer, I just couldn't make myself enjoy this story.
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