Monday, August 17, 2009

Onto book 30

I finished "Going too Far" last night, and was actually very pleased with it. The whole time I was reading it I was guessing at the two main characters' secrets, and I didn't guess either one correctly. Jennifer Echols pulled off a somewhat typical storyline in a very unique way. I liked how she put Meg and Officer After together in a way that would force them to talk to each other and sort of uncover the other's secrets.
Now I am onto Elizabeth Scott's "Stealing Heaven," which is so far a pretty good read. I don't know how Scott writes so many books, every time I go to B&N there's another one! I am only a few chapters into it, so I don't have much to say about it, other than that I already correctly predicted one of the "plot twists," so hopefully the rest of it isn't so easy to pick up on.

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